Sunday, October 10, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Well, Hello.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Can I have more of you?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
A Free Life?
Romans 6:15-21 ----
What Is True Freedom?
15-18So, since we're out from under the old tyranny, does that mean we can live any old way we want? Since we're free in the freedom of God, can we do anything that comes to mind? Hardly. You know well enough from your own experience that there are some acts of so-called freedom that destroy freedom. Offer yourselves to sin, for instance, and it's your last free act. But offer yourselves to the ways of God and the freedom never quits. All your lives you've let sin tell you what to do. But thank God you've started listening to a new master, one whose commands set you free to live openly in his freedom!19I'm using this freedom language because it's easy to picture. You can readily recall, can't you, how at one time the more you did just what you felt like doing—not caring about others, not caring about God—the worse your life became and the less freedom you had? And how much different is it now as you live in God's freedom, your lives healed and expansive in holiness?
20-21As long as you did what you felt like doing, ignoring God, you didn't have to bother with right thinking or right living, or right anything for that matter. But do you call that a free life? What did you get out of it? Nothing you're proud of now. Where did it get you? A dead end.
Think about a part in your life where you don't walk in freedom but continue to struggle with sin. When do you easily give into temptation? Why? What pain or discomfort does it bring? What do you fear you would lose if you gave up the sin?
Read the passage from Romans again with a specific sin in mind. Think Paul is accurate with his description of living, "any old way we want" to be accurate? What about living in "obedience"?
Pray to God about the things that He is showing you in your life that might be sin, or may not be real freedom. Get my drift? Maybe I am making no sense... If you're frustrated, express it to Him. I honestly think sometimes I forget that God likes to hear EVERYTHING from us. Not just us when we are happy or want something, He wants us to admit, when we hurt, or are sad, or confused, that is the beauty of it... You can say anything, and this Dad will listen. Challenge God to show you a freedom.
Live, off yourself to the ways of God and the freedom that never quits. Rest in His Freedom. Rest.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Teach with your Life
1 Timothy 4:11-14 (The Message)
11-14Get the word out. Teach all these things. And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use.
In fact, I recommend checking out 1 Timothy 4, the entire chapter, all about teaching with your life, anyway, I can't wait to get back to writing more, have a blessed day, sleep, whatever it is you find yourself about to do when you read this, and you shall hear from me soon!
11-14Get the word out. Teach all these things. And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use.
In fact, I recommend checking out 1 Timothy 4, the entire chapter, all about teaching with your life, anyway, I can't wait to get back to writing more, have a blessed day, sleep, whatever it is you find yourself about to do when you read this, and you shall hear from me soon!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Well, first off I have to apologize for missing the past couple of nights blogging, I've been staying at my camp, and I will be again tonight, however I have stolen a laptop just for you! Feeling loved yet?
Well, I want to say "Hi!" and re-introduce myself to this blog, the segment of thirty days of silence is over, and it is time for me to spew my thoughts through my finger tips onto a keyboard into your heads again, excited yet?
So, what has been new?
For me... I am in the show, "Grease", playing Danny Zuko, we have three more shows left and I am having the time of my life. It is such a fun show to do, and I don't know... I don't think I can explain the joy that I get from it. It's funny, today I was driving from the beach to go eat breakfast (Pretty Peaceful) and I was listening to Jesus Cultures' new EP "My Passion." It got me thinking, what is my passion? What is your passion? What is passion? According to Urban Dictionary, Passion is...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Psalm 100:1-5 ----
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Day 29 - Enjoy the Silence
Matthew 15:22-28 -----
23Jesus ignored her. The disciples came and complained, "Now she's bothering us. Would you please take care of her? She's driving us crazy."
24Jesus refused, telling them, "I've got my hands full dealing with the lost sheep of Israel."
25Then the woman came back to Jesus, went to her knees, and begged. "Master, help me."
26He said, "It's not right to take bread out of children's mouths and throw it to dogs."
27She was quick: "You're right, Master, but beggar dogs do get scraps from the master's table."
28Jesus gave in. "Oh, woman, your faith is something else. What you want is what you get!" Right then her daughter became well.
Bonjourno! So read this passage, anything stand out? Haha, how about the line, "Jesus ignored her." I read that and was like, "WHAAA? Jesus did what?" Then I thought about it, sometimes I am in situations like that. Jesus isn't being rude, i think he is teaching us through the silence.
Have you ever been there? Have you ever experienced the depth of silence? Has there ever been a time in your life where you brought something to God, in prayer, and you felt like there was no reply, there was simply nothing, just silence?
Think about such a time. As you recall it, how are you feeling? Angry? Sad? Insignificant? Forgotten? Do you feel sorry for yourself? What is your sense of God in that place of silence?
How does God's silence affect your prayerful requests to him? Do you just turn your back and choose not to ask again? Do you feel rejected, unheard, unwanted, unloved, betrayed? Maybe you feel like it's better to walk away from the whole thing. After all, surrender doesn't hurt as much as outright rejection. Before you answer, look at what the woman in the story did. She didn't walk away, she didn't surrender to despair and cynicism. Instead she kept crying out after Jesus and his disciples.
Go back and read verse 24. You see, Jesus did answer the woman, and His first words may have been more painful and harsh then the silence itself. He didn't heal her daughter immediately as she hoped He would. It must have felt to her as though his answer ignored her questions, not to mention the pain she felt. What I love, is that the woman was persistent... and not because of who she was, but because of who He was. She dropped to her knees, in faith, and said, "Help me!"
Then Jesus spoke again, this time, after the silence, it was with volume echoing all the way back to the sickbed of a little girl in a distant village... "28Jesus gave in. "Oh, woman, your faith is something else. What you want is what you get!" Right then her daughter became well."
We might not always understand those times when it feels as though God is silent, but consider this possibility: In those moments when there is no word, perhaps God is reminding us that, even more than He wants to meet our needs, He wants to understand our own need to meet Him, to fall before Him, and to trust Him.
Don't hide from the silence of God. Sit with it, ponder it, challenge it, and question it. Soon enough the silence will turn into an answer. Whatever you do, don't give up and mistake the silence for lack of compassion or lack of hearing.
Journal what you're thinking.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Day 28 - Enjoy the Silence
John 13:5-11 (The Message)
3-6Jesus knew that the Father had put him in complete charge of everything, that he came from God and was on his way back to God. So he got up from the supper table, set aside his robe, and put on an apron. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples, drying them with his apron. When he got to Simon Peter, Peter said, "Master, you wash my feet?"
7Jesus answered, "You don't understand now what I'm doing, but it will be clear enough to you later."
8Peter persisted, "You're not going to wash my feet—ever!"
Jesus said, "If I don't wash you, you can't be part of what I'm doing."
9"Master!" said Peter. "Not only my feet, then. Wash my hands! Wash my head!"
10-12Jesus said, "If you've had a bath in the morning, you only need your feet washed now and you're clean from head to toe. My concern, you understand, is holiness, not hygiene. So now you're clean. But not every one of you." (He knew who was betraying him. That's why he said, "Not every one of you.") After he had finished washing their feet, he took his robe, put it back on, and went back to his place at the table.
YO YO YO! Well, my friends we are at day 28. Two days to go, so, smile, and check out the above passage for tonight. Read it slowly and thoughtfully. Jesus is washing the disciples' feet. We know that he spoke to Peter, and we know what He said. However, we don't know what or if he spoke to the other disciples.... HMM.
Imagine we're in that upper room. Jesus is coming to wash you're feet. What does he say to you? How do you respond? Can you feel his rough carpenter hands holding your feet? How do you feel about the King of Kings washing your feet? Can you feel the water on your tired dusty feet? Think about the places you've walked and what you might be carrying from your journey. The symbolism here is deep. Some people are freaked out by feet, but it's so much more then feet! It's life, a soul. Jesus was asking to wash and purify lives here. Incredible, that this King would humble self. How do you feel about that? Peter seemed to blurt out the answer, "You shall never wash my feet." What words come to your mind as you look into the face of God?
Journal your thoughts about what you think would take place.
"Prayer is the laying aside of thoughts. "
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Day 27 - Enjoy the Silence
Psalm 34:1-18 ------
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Day 26 - Enjoy the Silence
Luke 19:1-10 -------
5When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." 6So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.
7All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a 'sinner.' "
8But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."
9Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
Hey you guys. What's shaking? Okay, so read this and imagine you are the guy in the tree, and you can see Jesus coming.
You wanted to see Him for a long time, but what are you feeling as He approaches? You hiding? If so, from who? And why? In what ways do you feel your life is "out on a limb"? What are some feelings that make you want to stay in that tree?
No doubt, that part of what made Zacchaeus, let's call him "Zac", reluctant to climb down were the faces of the townspeople who looked up at him. Think there is an any people who's faces keep you up in your tree? Who? WHy do they intimidate you from coming down? What thoughts, fears, etc, do you think "Zac" had to lay aside in order to have this encounter with this man named Jesus? What might those thoughts and fears be in your life?
Consider the before "Zac" who was waiting in the tree to see Jesus, and the after "Zac" who actually encountered Jesus. What difference did meeting Jesus making in Zac's life? What difference has meeting Jesus made in your life? What areas of you life are Jesus asking you to make right? How can you begin to do that?
Jot down some thoughts folks.