Thursday, January 14, 2010

Be Bold

Dear Readers,
Today I am at a block. A writer's block. I don't know what to say, I prayed for words to flow through me to help someone on the other end, but I didn't really get a solid answer, yet, one thing is on my heart. Maybe it's a sign?

I feel like a broken record, but, sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough. When it's me and God it is fantastic, I am worshipping I am talking, I am learning, then I encounter people. What do I do? My mind drifts back to the verse where Jesus tells his disciples to go to all ends of the earth and share the good news. He didn't mean go and live your life, and not tell anybody about how you have been changed, he said SHARE!

I know that sometimes as christians this is hard, it's called peer pressure. We fall into habits of sinning, and we are used to it. Somehow, we have to find a way to break the mold. And no, I don't mean go out there, carrying a bible bigger then your torso, chanting in tongues every second. In fact, Paul said to try and fit in with the world, not by following and joining in their sin, but by making friendships with non-christains, building relationships, opening up to people. Once we open up to people, we open the door to talk about our God in a comfortable way. Once our friends feel comfortable they will open up to our God in heaven. There's a verse about that too!

Matthew 5:16 ---
"By opening up to others, you'll promote people to open up with God this generous Father in Heaven."

You know, lately, well, all night actually, this has been burning in my soul. We need to pray for boldness. Well personally, I know that's my next step. I have a friendships, I have people who open up with me, and new people who are beginning to open up with me, and I need the boldness to know that when i have the opportunity I have to take it.

I read a story last night of a man who was in on a six way conference business call, his job was not to talk, but to take notes. Before the actual conference got started, two people on the phone were having a conversation about how one of them was about to go through an extreme back surgery that had a hefty repair time attached to it. This man struggled with the idea of it, but eventually went with the burning in his heart and took a step, he asked if he could pray for this women on the other end of the phone and she said yes, within 5 minutes she was completely healed. Everyone on the phone was shocked, of course, they went and told their families, etc. And you see how it works? How God works? How much it pays off?

Stay on guard, pray for opportunities, for wisdom, and for boldness.

Becoming Bold,

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