Well I think it's safe to say that at points We all go through that season, everything just seems that much more difficult. So I was thinking this, being lazy and tired, then this verse came into my path.
Romans 13: 14 ---
Get out of bed and get dressed! Don't loiter and linger, waiting until the very last minute. Dress yourselves in Christ, and be up and about!
Fine then! I guess that's as straight forward as it gets. Haha, the fact that I got an answer to what was on my mind is pretty sweet. But what's cooler is the timing, just when I feel like I want to sleep and not wake up, I get this. Ha, He is good.
You know, people really wear you down. That is a fact of life, nobody is perfect, therefore You can't be with someone every second of everyday and not feel the drain it's taking on your body. School is the same, I feel like my energy is being sucked directly out of my system. Thoughts take their toll. Then I think back to that verse we read yesterday...
Romans 12:11 ---
Don't burn out; keep yourselves fuelled and aflame.
It seriously all comes down to that doesn't it? Make sure you get take that time to be set aflame, and I am starting to realize that it takes more than one shot a day. Know what I mean? So, pray for a recharge, and opportunity to find the time and place to do so.
I guess what's really on my heart lately is giving up when the going get's tough. You just can't do it, no matter how tired I am, I can't do it. I'll get nowhere. God gives us days to relax, so let's use them. He'll look after us, keep that faith. When it gets tough you are doing something right, don't give up and you will come out of the fire that much stronger and brighter, and THAT is the desire of my heart. We will come out refined.
So there we go...
Hey bloggers, want to pray? Youth group is tomorrow night, and the kids are on fire, pray for another encountered, we want to see and feel God's extravagant love.
Break me down God,
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