Well, here we go, this is exciting, I re read the first chapter of Acts a couple of extra times today and a few points I want to share, if you guys want to get a lot out of this you should read it too! My translation is The Message, for easy access to any translation you want check out www.biblegateway.com.
Just a side note, how was your day? :) Mine was pretty darn cool if I say so myself. Anywho, ACTS!
Acts: Chapter one.
First thing is first, who wrote this book? Luke is the answer to that! This is a continuation of Luke's gospel book, titled, Luke. What a coincidence! Anyway, basically the story of Jesus doesn't end with Jesus. It continues in the lives of those who believe in him. Luke makes it clear that the Christians he wrote about were not just spectators of Jesus - they were in on the action of God. God acting in them, God living in them. Which also means, of course, in us! Now that is exciting to me.
Acts 1:6-8 ---
In this verse Luke is recalling one of the last meeting the disciples had with Jesus, and here is an excerpt from the conversation...
6When they were together for the last time they asked, "Master, are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel now? Is this the time?"
7-8He told them, "You don't get to know the time. Timing is the Father's business. What you'll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world."
I love this because it is a straight up direction from God. For me, the key word is WHEN. WHEN we seek, and dedicate ourselves to being in tune with the Holy Spirit and finding that connection daily, THAT is WHEN we will see success all the way to the end of the earth! Hmm, I am not sure what your standards are, but in my book, that is a big deal. Now, when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to by witnesses. So the question came, how do we get this Holy Spirit? What is a holy Spirit? What does it do? They will soon have the encounter that went down in History... (stay tuned tomorrow for that.) So Jesus says that to his disciples, Jesus rose into the sky and disappeared in a cloud. I am sure this was in a very triumphant way, I can picture big trumpets playing in the background, haha, I'm joking... maybe a harp or two, who knows for sure, I guess Luke was so busy watching his best friend fly into heaven that he forgot to take notice on what the ambient sound was. Tisk tisk.
Acts 1:14 ---
"They agreed they were in this for good, completely together in prayer, the women included. Also Jesus' mother, Mary, and his brothers." I also really like this, I feel like it symbolizes and puts into perspective that this amazing experience is for everyone, and everyone there was ready and willing to dedicate themselves to prayer. They were serious, and in this for good, it reminds me of a motto I've heard. "If I am going to do this, I am going to do it right."
Now for the last part of this first chapter of Luke.
Every time I read this, my mind is slightly blown to smithereens, slightly. Listen close, this is beyond profound!!!
The disciples had to pick someone new to replace the spot of Judas, because Judas killed himself, most likely because of guilt...
Acts 1:23-26 ----
They nominated two: Joseph Barsabbas, nicknamed Justus, and Matthias. Then they prayed, "You, O God, know every one of us inside and out. Make plain which of these two men you choose to take the place in this ministry and leadership that Judas threw away in order to go his own way." They then drew straws. Matthias won and was counted in with the eleven apostles.
Haha! So they pray to God to make to make it super clear to them who should be the new "Judas"... then they pick sticks. I don't know, I laugh, I just get this vision of Paul praying over these two sticks in his hand and God blessing them. I guess it makes sense, at this point they hadn't had the incredible "encounter", they probably weren't sure what to do, but I promise one thing, those sticks were heaven blessed. See, I told you that was profound!
Well, that is it folks, I am sorry if it bored you, I promise the rest of Acts get's super crazy, and I won't be so nit picky, I bet it's tough reading a super long blog. Anyway guys, have one of those days were nothing can wipe the smile of your face. Pray to god, commit yourself like those disciples did, after all, just like Luke said, this is a continuation of the walk of Jesus, we are now doing what He did on earth, the healings and miracles that He started are still going on today, and we can be a part of that. Ever think of that? Where did it start? Jesus is the answer my friends.
Well, until tomorrow.
Smile darn ya smile,
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