Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hello Readers. I trust you've had the Sunday that you needed today.
I just have two little thoughts before bed tonight.
One - If you are going through a total busy season of you life, where it seems like you have no time for yourself, or for rest, be faithful to God. I was thinking about Job today, Satan put him through some terrible things, he stayed faithful to God and came out on top. I am making a commitment right now to stay just as close to God, to be just as faithful, to dedicate the exact same amount of time to just Him. This is important, otherwise everything tumbles down, and that is exactly the opposite of what you need when you are overly busy. I have been running non stop, but if I keep running with God, He will continue to fill my tank with all the energy and love that I need, because He is faithful, let's return the favour. No problem is too big for God, or more important, I can't stress that enough!

He is faithful... my next thought, I don't know why or when or how this thought came up today but I was thinking of the first time I encountered God's love. You know what? That is a big deal. it is like an anniversary, for me it was the day my life was changed. I was so overwhelmed with His love and spirit I was on the floor sobbing, with people praying over me, and I will never forget that experience, or major experiences after that. It is so important to remember those memories with God and thank Him for those incredible encounters. If you haven't had that experience, pray for it. It honestly changed my life, and then when needed, He has kept meeting me at the right time with the right amount of His power. Once again, I don't know why, but today I am completely stuck on the faithfulness of God.
I am so thankful, and I can't stop thinking about how incredible those moments have been like in my life. Like a sloppy wet kiss. Hahaha, there is nothing better.

Go hug God, He gives the best hugs, for real!


  1. Mmm...good post.
    I don't remember the first time I encountered God's love, but I remember when I felt it the strongest. It was in FL at a huge youth camp called BigStuf. On the last night, after two hours of worship, our pastor took us out to the beach, and everybody was face down in the sand praying and crying. And then one of my friends asked to be baptized, and it turns out half the people in our group had never been baptized. So about 27 people were baptized that night. Other groups on the beach were clapping and praising God, and one kid from another group even came over and asked to be baptized. One kid from our group was asking God for a sign while all of this happened, and a meteor shower started! It was just....amazing. There aren't really words to describe it. I love how God brings us all times when we feel Him so strongly.
    Wow, I just rambled. Sorry! haha.

  2. It is completely okay, I loved that ramble, and that story is worth sharing, I love when god does cool crazy stuff like that, that is so awesome! Mmmm :)
