Saturday, May 8, 2010

I long for You're love.


Tonight there was a point during the show where I was on stage and I just felt peaceful.
I feel bad, because I don't know if I fell out of character or not, but I just remember thinking..

"I have so much to look forward to."
"There is so much more good then bad, there is no competition"
"I love what I am doing, and God willing, I will get to do it again."

These statements are all so true.
I don't know, ever have those moments of extreme peace, where you just feel taken care of? I love it, comforting is a good word. I get those moments a lot, it keeps me going. So, needless to say, I am at a loss for words. I am feeling peaceful, and excited for what's to come.

Come to me, I can feel you near.
You're beautiful, beautiful.

I think sometimes we get caught up in the "crappy" aspects of things, but why? It is so much more enjoyable, not to mention realistic, to look at it from the other way around.


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