Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Show Me

Hey Folks!
Well I have had a swell day, my mom graduated with her Masters today. It was fantastic, I met up with a friend of mine and we tried video blogging, that was also fun. While we were filming for the blog I had a story on my mind from my devotion book but I couldn't remember it exactly so now I re-read the story and I am ready to tell.
Check this out. :)

Acts 26:12-18 ----

12-14"One day on my way to Damascus, armed as always with papers from the high priests authorizing my action, right in the middle of the day a blaze of light, light outshining the sun, poured out of the sky on me and my companions. Oh, King, it was so bright! We fell flat on our faces. Then I heard a voice in Hebrew: 'Saul, Saul, why are you out to get me? Why do you insist on going against the grain?'

15-16"I said, 'Who are you, Master?'

"The voice answered, 'I am Jesus, the One you're hunting down like an animal. But now, up on your feet—I have a job for you. I've handpicked you to be a servant and witness to what's happened today, and to what I am going to show you.

17-18"'I'm sending you off to open the eyes of the outsiders so they can see the difference between dark and light, and choose light, see the difference between Satan and God, and choose God. I'm sending you off to present my offer of sins forgiven, and a place in the family, inviting them into the company of those who begin real living by believing in me.'

Now let's think. -- Read the passage aloud, this time noticing all the personal pronouns in this very personal conversation. Read it again, this time check out how it focuses on the past and the future.

1. Why do you think Jesus doesn't say, "I'm the Son of God. Your doctrine is wrong. Change it"?

2. How do you respond to Jesus' giving Saul a job to do even though he's been murdering Christians? What does this tell you about Jesus?

2. Consider what Paul might have prayed next; there he is, blind, with his underlings leading him to safety.

Pray about it. - Let's have a fill in the blank game, try this out. Have a conversation with Jesus similar to Paul's. First, Jesus asks you, "Why are you ____ ?" How do you respond? Next, Jesus tells you exactly who he is - a glimpse of him you have missed: "I am Jesus the One you're _______" Finally, Jesus says, "Up on your feet - I have a job for you." What is the job? How do you respond? _______.

Live today asking Jesus the question: Is there anything about you I'm missing out on? That I don't understand or accept? Show me."

I read that earlier today in my devotion book and that fill in the blank part hit me hard. For me it was, Why are you giving up, or laying low, or getting tired out? The next was, "I am Jesus, the one you are holding out on." I respond by taking the job that He has given me and with some kind of strength that I have need to find, completing the task.

God, Is there something I am missing, because that is what it feels like? Show me, please.


1 comment:

  1. hey! i was looking up some lyrics to a song when I stumbled upon your blog. I gotta's a blessing to see a young person (that makes me sound like an old person...i'm not. haha. i'm only 19) living every day in the Lord's fullness. I read some of your blogs, and it's quite admirable how you rely on Him for everything. I say this because the pursuit of following Him wholeheartedly has been on my heart lately. I have been experiencing His peace in everything in my life and He has opened my heart to my intercession of raising up this generation to be desperately in love with Him, and avidly pursuing Him in their lives.

    anyways, I just felt led to encourage you and thank you for your display of dedication and devotion to our Savior! Hope this note blessed your day, and your spirit!

    Hannah Judy
