Sunday, February 28, 2010

Power of Voice

Power of our prayers and words.

Just a small little thought tonight, kind of funny, kind of serious.
Sometimes we pray for little silly things, or maybe selfish things, just because deep down we really want something. Or maybe we aren't even that passionate about it, but we just think it would be neat to see it happen.
For example: Today I was watching the olympic Hockey game between Canada and US, just like every other living person who owns a television. I said out loud to my dad, wow, wouldn't it be funny if the US came back right now and scored, then we could go into overtime and the game would be more epic. He was angry that I would even think that. 30 seconds later, USA got a goal. Haha, I am in no way saying that that was because of my thought, at all, but just a thought.
We see this happening daily.
We will pray for maybe a day off school, and then we get a snow day. We get the day off like we wanted, but we are also stuck with a piles of snow that we didn't exactly crave or ask for.
It's kind of neat how God works, he is a comedian. After all, he created jokes and laughter.

So, just a minor thought, before you say something, or wish for something, or maybe even curse something(that's where it gets serious), take some time and think about the possible outcomes.

We need some light, first of all we need some light. You can't sit here in the dark, and alone... it's a sorry sight. It's just you and me, we'll live, you'll see. And when the night has finally gone, and when we see the new day dawn, we'll wonder how we wandered for so long so blind, the wasted world we thought we knew, the light will make it look brand new, so let it shine. Day after day, we'll find a will to find our way. Knowing that the darkening skies will someday see the sun. When our long night is done there will be light, there will be light. And we open up our lives, sons and daughters, husbands, wives, and fight that fight, there will be light. There will be light, there will be light, there will be light.

Throw your passion on me to keep running, re-energize me, make this well inside me continuously overflowing with love for you, show me how much better everything you have to offer me is than anything this world has to offer. Over and over,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Waters cannot quench this love.

Habakkuk 1:5 ---

Look at the nations and watch—
and be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
even if you were told.

Hey Readers, so tonight's blog is a part 2 of last nights, I did a lot of reading today and I found some stuff I want to add on. Ready for this?
So I was talking about being aligned with Fathers and Mothers in Christ. So a few things to touch on: Courage, Wisdom, Protection, and Our Hearts.

Frist of all: Serving another's vision. Think about this, sometimes we don't know where exactly God wants us to be in his army, in that case, serve someone who does know where they need to be. Think of Moses, one of the greatest leaders of the bible spent 40 years on the backside of a desert, shepherding someone else's sheep! I bet it was frustrating at times because I think it is probably safe to say that Moses knew deep in his gut that God had a call on his life for something greater. Thankfully for the people of Israel Moses learned how to be loyal. "Moses first had to be trustworthy and dependable with his father-in-law's sheep before he was given his own."
1 Peter 5:6-7 --
So be content with who you are, and don't put on airs. God's strong hand is on you, he'll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.

Okay, so let's talk about some of the benefits of being covered, or aligned with Fathers and Mothers in Christ.
Courage is contagious. Let's face it, this is the generation that God is calling to be courageous. I was reading in the book 'Jesus Culture" again today and the example he used was Esther. She was covered by Mordecai who was a spiritual Father to her. He shared his courage with Esther, she learned from him, and with that went to the king, and ended up saving up thousands of her people. Courage was involved because in that day if you went to the king and he didn't want to talk to you, you would be killed. Definitely risky business, however because of the courage that was shared to Esther she went to the king despite knowing the possible outcome.
God is raising up a people in the earth who will display the wisdom of God! Young revivalists must be connected to fathers and mothers in order to receive greater understanding. "One of the main ways this inheritance of wisdom shows up is in the ability to learn from the mistakes and successes of our Father and Mothers. I see no reason why my children need to make the same mistakes I made to learn the same things I mastered. If they can connect with me, they can gain the things I assimilated without having to go through the same process. They will have to learn from their own mistakes, but those errors should teach them new things."
The following is another quote from the book Jesus Culture --- this a conversation between Bill Johnson and Banning Liebscher
"One day I asked him, "how did you figure out how to do the things you are doing that seem to work so well?" Without hesitation, he answered, "Because I've tried a lot of things that didn't work."
Wow! Why should we try all the things our father and mothers have tried only to find out what doesn't work? We can unite our lives with theirs and learn the things that do not work. We don't have time to waste trying to figure everything out on our own. There will be things we need to ascertain on our own, but let's get as much as we can from the older generation!
Once again, they have the experience, plus... well, think of it this way, "If it's raining and you don;t wish to get soaked, then jump under an umbrella." We have to fight our own battles but it much easier under covering of our father and mothers.

Okay, I am going to skip ahead because this story keeps penetrating me every time I think about it.
It's in second kings, chapter two. The story of Elijah and Elisha.

2 Kings 2:5-15 ---
5 The guild of prophets at Jericho came to Elisha and said, "Did you know that Godis going to take your master away from you today?"

"Yes," he said, "I know it. But keep it quiet."

6 Then Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here. God has sent me on an errand to the Jordan."

Elisha said, "Not on your life! I'm not letting you out of my sight!" And so the two of them went their way together.

7 Meanwhile, fifty men from the guild of prophets gathered some distance away while the two of them stood at the Jordan.

8 Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up, and hit the water with it. The river divided and the two men walked through on dry land.

9 When they reached the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, "What can I do for you before I'm taken from you? Ask anything."

Elisha said, "Your life repeated in my life. I want to be a holy man just like you."

10 "That's a hard one!" said Elijah. "But if you're watching when I'm taken from you, you'll get what you've asked for. But only if you're watching."

11-14 And so it happened. They were walking along and talking. Suddenly a chariot and horses of fire came between them and Elijah went up in a whirlwind to heaven. Elisha saw it all and shouted, "My father, my father! You—the chariot and cavalry of Israel!" When he could no longer see anything, he grabbed his robe and ripped it to pieces. Then he picked up Elijah's cloak that had fallen from him, returned to the shore of the Jordan, and stood there. He took Elijah's cloak—all that was left of Elijah!—and hit the river with it, saying, "Now where is the God of Elijah? Where is he?"

When he struck the water, the river divided and Elisha walked through.

15 The guild of prophets from Jericho saw the whole thing from where they were standing. They said, "The spirit of Elijah lives in Elisha!" They welcomed and honored him.

That is illustrating everything I am trying to say. Elisha received A DOUBLE PORTION OF THE ANOINTING of Elijah. If the guy who was next in line had of received a double portion of Elisha's anointing, which was a double portion of Elijah's, then he could have walked in anointing four times greater than that of Elijah. Sadly he was unfaithful, and if you keep reading you'll find out he doesn't get it because of his "un-faithful-ness". But.. imagine if he had of, that is my dream, my vision! An anointing increasing from generation to generation, let's soak it up! Let's receive it!

Sorry for typing an encyclopaedia long blog, woooo, God is good,

Friday, February 26, 2010

I am consumed by You.

Hey Guys and Girls.

I just feel this peace surrounding me. You know, that feeling, you are being looked after, you are no longer in a mess, you are safe.

Romans 2:24 ---
"He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ."

Pretty peaceful isn't it?
You know, at this one moment in time, in my imagination, there are a thousand dreams and thoughts sprinting. Dreams for a future where I am praising God with all I have, being thankful for all I am and all I have been given.
Some of thoughts in my head are things that I could talk about right now, like... screwing up, and God picking us up, days of being lazy, Anointing, Purity, a few things that are really on my heart... but I read something today out of the book "Jesus Culture" by Banning Liebscher that I want to share.

I don't know what is going on inside me, but I have a heart to see things drastically changed and I am ready to mature spiritually and for gifts to be poured out and to see revival and a radical change over this world. World seems like such a big world, but ultimately, that is what it is. The world, God is going to change the world. It will be a combination of speaking the word, sharing of faith, leading of music. I don't care, I just want God to throw those blessing upon me. So lately my prayer has been for an advance in spiritual maturity, and with that we have to prove that we are worthy of this advancement. I saw that to say that what this entry is focusing on is for those who are ready to mature in that.
I was reading in that book today, about alignment. We all have spiritual influences in our lives, like our pastors, worship leaders, a friend who has a strong relationship with Christ. I believe, and agree with Banning when he says that we are to look to those Fathers and Mothers, our "role-models", and use the ground that they have conquered, take that knowledge, and run with it. Let's see if this makes more sense. "If revival is a structure God is building on the earth, then I don't want to spend my life building the same floor my fathers and mothers built. In other words I can align my life under Bill Johnson's and step right into a revelation of healing that took him years to acquire." The spirit of independence has deceived us into thinking we need to strive on our own and learn things by ourselves, so we only end up reaching as far as those before us. Rather than working from the same floor in the building of revival that my fathers and mothers have built, I want to take what they've received and propel it to the next level!
Make more sense now?
It just strikes me that these are the days when things are going to happen, we are not just any other generation, God is using us to see His world changed. The change is now, so let's not waste time soaking in what we already know or in what our fathers, mothers, and role-models have already learned, let's take what they have received and run with it, further and further. Let's make progress, and always come back to the heart of worship, right to God. Let's run this race faster than any other generation before us, and my prayer is that the generation after us, if there will be one, will run even faster, always getting the prize. Forever and ever.

A servant and in love,

Refreshing joy, adoration, we come to pour our love on you. Jesus, be my everything. Be my everything, be my everything, be my everything, be my everything. You are everything, You are everything, You are everything. WE WILL DECLARE, YOU ARE EVERYTHING. Holy holy holy, is the Lord God almighty, who was and is and is to come. With all creation I sing, praise to the King of Kings, You are my everything, and I will adore You.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


What can I do with my obsession?
With the things I cannot see
Is there madness in my being?
Is it wind that blows the trees?
Sometimes you're further than the moon

Sometimes you're closer than my skin
And you surround me like a winter fog
You've come and burned me with a kiss

And my heart burns for you
And my heart burns

And I'm so filthy with my sin
I carry pride like a disease
You know I'm stubborn God and I'm longing
to be close
You burn me deeper than I know
I feel lonely without hope
I feel desperate without vision
You wrap around me like a winter coat
You come and free me like a bird

And my heart burns for you
And my heart burns for you

I just have this deep passion, and maybe a suggestion, or an idea, burning inside of me. Just spend some time alone seeking him, and finding him, and figuring out everything, my favourite parts of my life are when I just take time and am talking things out with him, and my life becomes that much more clear. Let's continually be charging up as we are pouring out.

Psalms 62:2 ---
God, the one and only— I'll wait as long as he says.
Everything I need comes from him,
so why not?
He's solid rock under my feet,
breathing room for my soul,
An impregnable castle:
I'm set for life.

Haha, that's excellent! We are set for life. SET FOR LIFE, it's like the Lottery, except instead of a chance of winning money, you are guaranteed of winning love. Sweet deal? I think yes!

I want to drink God, deep draughts of God. I'm thirsty for God-alive,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Word

Well, today has been a pretty cool day, to say the least.
I had a few things on my mind that I wanted to blog about tonight, but then when I got home, the bibles that our church ordered for the youth group were here and I was looking inside one of them and came across some pretty cool stuff.

First of all though, things are changing. Revival is coming, change is happening, and God is hearing our cries, I can see it. Keep praying, we are going to take back our cities, friends, school, families, taking it all back.

Now, for what I was reading in this new bible.

Seven Reason not to worry.
1. The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life.
2. Worrying about the future hampers your efforts for today.
3. Worrying is more harmful then helpful.
4. God does not ignore those who depend on him.
5. Worry shows a lack of faith and understanding of God.
6. There are real challenges God wants us to pursue, and worrying keeps us from them.
7. Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry.

Personally, lately I haven't really had a problem with worry, but maybe you, reader, do, or maybe you know of someone who does, share this along -- spread the news, there is a way out of it, and trust me, it makes life a whole lot more enjoyable!

Sleeping sounds delicious,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Great Success

Today was a wonderful day, ha SO BUSY! However, at the end of the day, after all the hard work, the Variety show was over, and I felt like I had accomplished something, and I felt good about that. I really hope that in somewhere in all the chaos today I blessed someone, in some way. Think that's possible, blessing people without even realizing it? I guess you don't think about it at the time, but even just helping someone out with a chore, that's a blessing. It's neat how God set that up.

You know what else is neat? How God uses things that I am involved in, that up front, don't have.. how can I say this? ..... Christian labelled all over it. But in the end you learn so much form it, and when you let things go and just be the person who he made you, the desire of your heart shows, and then people see that, and are blessed, and see God. I learned so much today. I think that when we are stressed, and under pressure, we don't have time to try and cover up our insecurities, and that is when people see the true us, and for me, that somehow opened up a whole lot more doors to talk about God, or about anything like that. Gosh, I feel so encouraged, and I want to share that with every one. I encourage you to let go, be yourself, and don't fall into the trap of conforming to this world. The truth is, that when we are ourselves, the person that God made us, the right people are drawn to us, meaning that the people who God wants to come to us, do come to us! Does that makes sense? And maybe this doesn't relate to you, but I find that a big deal for me. Hah, maybe this is a personal thing, but God is never stopping.
I have a sacred obsession with God and it won't go away not at all, I have a hold of your heart God, I won't let go. After tonight I feel like I have a even more in depth glance at where I'm going, who I am, this passion is growing inside, and I have been waiting to realize it, now's the time! Freedom is coming up, start with me God!

Blah, I don't know what else to say.
The devil has got nothing on me, because I am taking back my authority! Hahah Praise God.
Watch out Heaven, here I come, I'll storm the gates because we have won, boldly before your throne, I'm coming home!
Set me apart from this world, I am coming home. I'm taking back my authority, taking back my authority. Taking back, taking back my CITY NOW! Taking back, taking back my SCHOOL NOW! Taking back, taking back my FRIENDS NOW!
Shake the heavens Lord.

Break Rebellion, Send Revival.

So deeply satisfied,

Monday, February 22, 2010

When all else fades, my soul remains with you, where the love lasts forever.

Heaven is here now.

Hey bloggers, I am continuing the week that has days that turn into one big day, does that make sense? So I am super swamped, but still and forever God strong. Just wanted to share a couple verses that I was reading and re-reading today. Something stuck with me. Check them out.

1 John 3 ----

1 What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we're called children of God! That's who we really are. But that's also why the world doesn't recognize us or take us seriously, because it has no idea who he is or what he's up to.

2-3But friends, that's exactly who we are: children of God. And that's only the beginning. Who knows how we'll end up! What we know is that when Christ is openly revealed, we'll see him—and in seeing him, become like him. All of us who look forward to his Coming stay ready, with the glistening purity of Jesus' life as a model for our own.

9-10People conceived and brought into life by God don't make a practice of sin. How could they? God's seed is deep within them, making them who they are. It's not in the nature of the God-begotten to practice and parade sin. Here's how you tell the difference between God's children and the Devil's children: The one who won't practice righteous ways isn't from God, nor is the one who won't love brother or sister. A simple test.

I pray you will have a fantastic Tuesday.
God bless you, a lot,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

1 John 4:7-10

1 John 4:7-10
My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. The person who refuses to love doesn't know the first thing about God, because God is love—so you can't know him if you don't love. This is how God showed his love for us: God sent his only Son into the world so we might live through him. This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God.

Hey Bloggers,
well my day was swell, I worked from 11 to five, which was tiring to say the least and then I came home, learned how to play guitar some more, then went to church. A powerful evening at church, my pastor opened up with that verse. It was cool, he basically talked about the whole power that is invested with us to share the Love, which is basically what I was talking about in my blog a few days ago, I love how God works, reaffirming everything. My pastor asked me to share tonight about what God has been doing lately, and it was great to share with the congregation about what the youth has been up too, soaking the Holy Spirit. At the moment I feel tired, and I know tomorrow is a crazy busy day, and my deepest prayer is for God to show people through me that even when I'm busy I can keep calm because I have God there. "That they will see your good deeds and turn to Heaven."
To be honest, I feel kind of bummed that I am so busy with things that aren't solely directed to God, is that bad? I guess it just shows the change in my heart.
Tonight we also prayed for the youth of this city, so much heart, so much that kids need to be exposed to, and see, and feel, and understand.

I encourage you to soak up that verse, I started to pick it out, part by part and explain my thoughts, but I decided not to, tonight my brain is fried, so I didn't want to spoil the fun, pray for some energy for me.

Going to bed,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Anthem

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."
Isaiah 6:8-9

This is the cry of so many people's hearts and that is encouraging. We are a generation that shall change the world. Praise God! This song says it all, the words are perfect and they express every feeling and thought that I have today. I have nothing else to say. We are going to shake history. We are equipped, we know what to do, and we have the drive. We are going to do it. This is our prayer, here we are God, shake our nation! Captivate us. Haha, there is no one as beautiful as you God.

The Anthem - Jake Hamilton ------

I can hear the footsteps of my King
I can hear His heartbeat beckoning
In my darkness He has set me free
And now I hear the Spirit calling me

He's calling wake up child it's your turn to shine
You were born for such a time as this
He's calling wake up child it's your turn to shine
You were born for such a time as this
Such a time as this

And I can hear a holy rumbling
I've begun to preach another King
Loosing chains and breaking down the walls
I want to hear the Father when He calls

He's calling wake up child it's your turn to shine
You were born for such a time as this!

Such a time as this

This is the anthem of our generation

Here we are God, shake our nation!
All we need is your love,
You captivate me!

I am royalty, I have destiny,
I have been set free, I'm gonna shape history!

I'm gonna change the world!


Friday, February 19, 2010

All I need is You

Well Hello there Blog Readers.

Thank God it is Friday, and an incredible Friday at that.

We had youth group tonight and some really amazing things were brought up and said, and I really felt God moving me again to say certain things and he lead me to the people I needed to talk to, and that is so encouraging!
I first started by asking the kids how their week was, after their incredible encounter with God's love last Friday. There were mixed answers, once girl said she can't stop laughing yet and that she'll stop in the middle of class and pray until her teacher tells her to stop. Haha, Praise God. Other kids said that school was discouraging and they felt "poopy" as soon as they entered the doors.

So, we continued to talk about how important it is to read the word everyday, after all that is God speaking directly to us, I feel bad at the moment because I can't recall the order The Spirit put words in my mouth or everything that I said, so I am going to try my best to recall it.

So we were talking about reading the word, and praying as much as we could during the school day. And how sometimes when we are filled with the spirit we want to do these amazing things and see people saved and people healed and everyone to come to God through us, but that's not how it works. Firstly, we should be a light and a hope for all the hurt around us. Then it lead to friends and family not really accepting what we have to say or seeing the change in us, seeing the desires of our hearts and respecting it. But then God lead me to share the verse about take great joy when troubles come, and to pray always. We shouldn't think of that as a command but it is more so saying that God is always there to talk to.

We also hit the topic of accountability which I am so glad we did! Talk about how by ourselves it is tough, then with two people it gets better, and then a three corded rope is not easily broken. So when I saw all those kids it was easy, we are like a twenty corded rope, and when we are united and we a re a family for God Satan has no power or no ability to touch us! WOO, Amen? Haha

So, we talked about how this youth group is a family and we come to share our sins with each other, because when we admit our faults and say it out loud they(the guilt and sin and addiction and sense of no control or hope) completely exit out souls and that void is filled with a light, and a peace! So I encouraged everyone to find that person to trust or that whole family.

Oh man, what an incredible night, there was so much more, talking about favour and praying that we would have the eyes of Jesus to see opportunities and putting us in the right places at the right time. I had such a good talk with a couple kids afterwards and I feel like I really have a desire to help these kids, they are so on fire, and I have so much to offer them, and now it totally makes sense why I went through so much stuff at such a young age and I already see God's plans moving and it is so encouraging. I love it, I want youth group all the time, I want to talk to these kids all the time.
I talked to one girl about how we shouldn't hate school but we should be excited about it and think of it as an opportunity and a chance to shine that light that God has given us and us that power that he has put in us to show love.

Oh, Thank You God, I pray that you'll continue to give me words for these kids and that our family will grow closer to each other and we will bond more and more. Thank you for this opportunity and the clarity you put in my life, they way you bless is me is mesmerizing. I love you Lord,


Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Sonnet

Hey Bloggers, so today I was assigned to write a sonnet, want to hear it? Haha be patient, and full of grace because I am not sure if poetry writing was one of the gifts God bestowed on me. :) Here it is...

Cry of a Heart

Oh how my heart, it yearns for something more

A Love - complete - never leaving me dry.

In ventures past I’ve felt nothing but, sore

loses will end, I’ll never say Goodbye.

You grow with me through hills and valleys low.

In which I have grown and seen destiny.

Nothing but peace and gifts do you bestow.

You have opened my eyes, now I can see.

And though this seems so very ‘religious’

It is a beautiful simplicity.

Love, Never Fails. So far away than lust.

Showing me more of who I’m made to be.

Each day meeting in that place where I breath,

Freely, effortlessly; breath with such ease.

So, what do you think? I am praying over it, praying that, in some way it may spark a question in class, or maybe get the teacher thinking, or something. God makes things work together for good, we know that, so maybe this is an opportunity, I asked God for eyes to see opportunities, so now I am really searching, it's like I have magnifying glasses over my eyes. I am trying to not miss anything, although, that could be a little tricky.

Well, tomorrow is Friday again, God has blessed us with another week. Think of everything we have learned, about everything that he told us this week. I am super excited, there is youth group tomorrow night, and I am pumped to hear about how those kids made out this week after their encounter last week. (If you don't know what I am talking about check out last Friday's blog. Praise God.) If you are an avid reader, pray for them, pray for your siblings in Christ, that we will be like an army, warriors, that are stuck together like glue, fighting for the cause.

That's it. Just soaking it up, writing Sonnets, God Bless,


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Power Love Authority

"Same power that conquered the grave lives in me."

"Your love which rescued the earth lives in me."

These two lines are so powerful and so true. God has given us that power and that Authority to change this nation. Think about that? What a privilege! An honour even! Let's not abuse that gift, Let's take advantage of it! I have been talking about this the past few blogs, but I have been studying Acts, did you know that the power that Paul and Barnabas had when they brought people back from the dead, and healed people from terrible diseases, lives in us? God has put that in us, placed those gifts in us, it is our job to become close with God, and seek his face and ask for anointing and for him to release them in us. Okay, we sometimes think, we can't talk to that person about God, we are too small, or they won't even respond. HAHAHA No way, God is sharing HIS power with US, we can do anything with Him, hear that? ANYTHING. But mainly, he has given us that power to love.

Okay, let's talk about this love. Wow, Love. That greatest gift of all, love. You know that love, that God used to rescue this world? He so LOVED the world, that he gave his only perfect son? THAT LOVE! That Love is in us to share and show people in this world who need it. Think of how many people you encounter on a daily basis who's lives would run so much better with Love. Oh wait, think of everyone you encounter on a daily bases who would benefit from this powerful LOVE OF GOD! HA! EVERYONE, because, when we encounter the Love of God, we are never the same again, right? We become permanently changed, something inside of us clicks and makes us want more. How many people do you run into on a daily bases who could use a massive change in their loves? God has blessed us with that power, that power to show people his love. I am racking my brain, and I can't think of anything more powerful? You?

Lord, open our eyes and hearts to constantly be on the look out to show your love in every action that we make, let us embrace this gift of power you have given us. I pray we will use it to see a change in your people God, people will catch a glimpse of this love from the lives we live, and they will want more, and they will ask, and yearn for more of it. They will encounter it, and be changed.

When I think of Power I think of Authority. God releases Authority into our lives, and that authority for me personally was to crush the devil, to go out there, and just say enough is enough and I have the God given Authority to crush you under my toe. God has given me that power and Authority. I don't know where that fits in but I feel like God is moving my fingers over the keys and I guess that needed to be typed. Haha I believe that anyone who is in that position, and they cry out to God, he won't let you hanging, he will give you that Authority. Heck, shall I be so bold to say that when we give our lives to Christ, and surrender all, do we not receive that Authority at the point? I think that makes sense, after all, the same power that conquered the grave lives in me, and it lives in all of us.


Accepting this power to show love, and going to use it,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brain Vomit - Blog Style

Whewwwww... Okay readers, tonight's blog is literally just what is on my mind in typed form. Feel free to read and take what you will from my thoughts. Prepare for long winded sentences and blurbs of thought.

So, I have a vision, and that is to be in a dark room, alone with Me and God, for days, and just cry out to hear and have him talk deep into my soul.

I think the reason why that has been on my heart tonight is because I have been so tired of going to school, and being surrounded by... I don't know, evil! It seems like I am so busy in this world, but in everything I do, I don't get to be involved in my passion. I am sick of that, I am sick of going to school and not seeing a change. Is that pride?

I have a couple of questions, you know, right in the bible it says that it is hard to stay strong by yourself, and that two is better than one and three corded rope isn't easily broken. SO why has God placed me all by myself in school? I am ready to find some Christian friends in school. I'm not bitter, just curious. I mean, that shouldn't stop me... think about it this way. I am studying Acts right now, and there were only two(for the most part) disciples bringing the word of the Lord all around these cities, and I don't have a whole city, I only have a school. Hmmm.. I want to be a disciple, I want to see nations changed, and I want to speak to people, even on a small scale, just to give them that hope. I want to go form person to person, and let them in on this gift of life, just like they did in Acts.
God, please release that on me!

One thing I noticed today, is how bad I am at opening up to people about it, and seeing the opportunities that God has laid out in my daily path, even among all the things that I am involved with.
Jesus, please give me the eyes to see things the way you did.

ANother thing, I used to not be so close to God, and got committed to all these things in my world, now the passion isn't there, but I still have to commit.
God, please show me how to bring my passion I have for you into all of the things I am involved in, come with me and hold my hand in my day to day activities.

Back to the pride comment, sometimes I am scared... Scared to admit that I had a bad day because I don't want people to think I have fallen from God, and the reason for that is because I know what it's like to fall from him and I never want that to happen again, but I have to realize that even when I feel like I'm struggling it doesn't mean God isn't there. I mean, what kind of Christian would we be if we weren't tested??? And I struggle with things, and it is pride which keeps me from sharing that with other Christians, and that is a trick from Satan, because the bible says to share your sin with one another, and to forgive, and by being prideful I am not telling people my struggles, and if I did, maybe they could pray for me, or maybe it would encourage them! Another thing on the pride thing, I want so much to see progress in my school, or wherever, but I don't want that to be pride, I just mean that I want that to be confirmed with me so that I know that I am doing something right.

I think Pride is a big thing in my life, competition even to be doing well.
God, destroy that! RIGHT NOW! In your name God, free me from that, and even when I am doing well, I pray that I will never seek a crown. I pray that I won't be afraid to share my faults and struggles and what is going on in my life, because perhaps that can help someone. Lord, I pray that IT WILL help someone!

Hmm.... Pray the prayer you want over your life.
Jesus, anoint me to your will. Show me what that is, give me your eyes to see the opportunities you give me everyday at school, because that is where you put me. Release your Holy Spirit over me. Fill me with such an energy and joy and power, I pray that YOU will give ME to power to crush satan under my foot. I love you Lord. Please Jesus send Christian friends my way to help out at school, push me Lord, I pray I will never give up. I pray for progress! I desire nothing but you. The world has nothing to offer me. Oh God Your Spirit inside me holds me close, in wonderful presence I let go, I cleanse my hands, you broke my heart, I cry out for love, you set me apart. You're spirit soars me to the highest heights, from where I'll not look back Lord, I'll keep trust in you. From the land of the baron, we will cry out for rain, rain God! Fill our hearts, I'll keep trust in you! For I know, you are faithful!

Wow, revelation. Haha, a couple of days ago I sent out a challenge on this blog, maybe that is why this week has been so challenging. Doesn't mean the challenge is over, after all, what kind of Christians would we be without a challenge?


Monday, February 15, 2010

Bad experiences in a Wonderful Day.

What a day, yesterday's challenge was tough, but I must admit, what I faced today was also on the not so easy side. It's funny actually, last night, and all of yesterday I was prayed that when Satan attacks that I will be ready, it was like I kept feeling God tell me that I was going to be put through something soon, sure enough... today happened.
Through out the course of the day, a teacher of mine really hurt me, I realized I had multiple projects due, I had extra curricular activities(that I no longer feel passionate about) schedules colliding, and on top of it all, the ring that my parents got me for Valentines day BROKE. Haha, needless to say, I felt a little drained by the end of the day.

This evening I was ready verses about anger, because at this point, I was "frustrated", still close with God, and praying and talking to him, but "frustrated". And I think that's important to point out, some people automatically assume that if you are angry, or displaying any kind of emotion that is not abundant joy, that you have fallen away from God. That's not true, one friend came up to me today and said, I'm sorry you're having a bad day, and I was taken back by the thought that, you know what, I'm not having a bad day I am having a couple bad experiences in this wonderful day that the Lord had made. Anywhoooo, back to the verses that I was reading...
James 1:19-20 ---
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.

That was like a splash of righteous cold water on my fuelling, raging, angry face. Haha, praise God for moments like those. So with that verse I realized that even though I felt bitter towards certain things that happened today, I should listen to what these things are telling me, lessons from God perhaps, I should be slow to argue with God about how it would have been better if "this and that" had of happened. Also, I should not get angry about such a silly things because what kind of Glory does that bring to God?

Now, it is past midnight and I have decided that I will be staying home from first period tomorrow to work on school work, which takes care of one issue. I realize that things will get done because they need to get done, I will make it to the practices and meetings that I need to make it to, because I need to be there, one day at a time. God has changed me, and commitments I have made before the change no longer seem important to me, yet they are still commitments therefore I still have to honour them -- Show God's honour. Make sense? Anyway, that has been today, and Wonderful day, with some not so pleasant experiences.

Haha, when you think about it, it's fantastic, if Satan is trying to rain on my parade, that means that he is threatened, and that means that this army of God is advancing. That makes crack a massive smile.

P.S. - The challenge is still on, let's see if we can improve from today with the whole talking "about God in everything" thing.

On a side note, I have a scared obsession with love,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Look straight into the eyes of love and say, come burn in me.

Matthew 10:38-39 ---
"If you don't go all the way with me, through thick and thin, you don't deserve me. If your first concern is to look after yourself, you'll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to me, you'll find both yourself and me.

Hey Blog Readers. Last night I found myself prayed for teenagers and the youth of this generation, and I don't know why or how but somehow it became real to me the hurt that we go through as young people. What really became prominent to me was that hurt that everyone is trying to fin who they are in this world, trying to find this passion, trying to find who they are, or what they are supposed to be. In same cases teens are looking for ways to fit in, or trying to find out who to hang out with. Then I was sitting in church this morning and this verse hit me like a tsunami! If we forget about ourselves and look to God, we will find ourselves, and plus we get a massive bonus, we find God too!
Now, for Christian teenagers that is such a relief, we already understand what God is, and how incredible his love is, and, dare I say it, it may be slightly easier to follow this "rule" than a teenager who hasn't been introduced to God.
So, the question is, how do we get to those youth who really need to hear this? We must be bold. We have to pray for God to give us that wisdom and strength to go out there and capture hearts for him. I have challenge, let's make fools of ourselves this week, let's not care about our social status, and not care about what people may think or say. I'm serious, let's go out there and just throw God into all of our conversations. My challenge is, let's talk about God in every conversation we can, someway, somehow, or let's not talk at all. Haha, it sounds absurd for some of us, I know for me it will be stretch, but think about the possibilities? Let's pray before we speak, while we are speaking and after we speak that our words will no way turn people off from hearing about God, but it will plant a seed, or somehow water a seed that is already planted?
Am I going insane? Is this possible? Let's try, let me know how you make out. We need to be so full of his spirit to follow through with this, so let's seek him, let's get filled up, let's come to him so he will come to us. Let's meet him in that place, let him pour out on us. Let's give him all the praise. Let's encounter him!

I want to take Your Word and shine it all around;
First, help me just to live it, Lord.
And when I'm doing well
Help me to never seek a crown;
For my reward is giving glory to You.

Ready for a challenge, time to get filled,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I am alive to live for you.

Holding Nothing Back

I am chosen, I am free
I am living for eternity, free now forever
You picked me up, turned me around
set my feet on solid ground, Yours now forever
And nothing's gonna' hold me back, nothing's gonna' hold me back
Nothing's gonna' hold me back.

My chains fell off, my heart was free
I'm alive to live for you
I am alive to live for you
Amazing love, how can it be,
'cause you gave everything for me, you gave everything for me, everything.

You washed my sin and shame away the slate is clean a brand new day,
-- free now forever --
now boldly I approach your throne
to claim this crown through Christ my own
yours now forever.

Nothing's gonna' hold me back, nothing's gonna' hold me back, nothing's 'gonna hold me back!

Free to live, free to give, free to be, I'm free to love you Lord.

Don't you love days like today? Seriously, I woke up this morning with God, right there, just in my heart and so comforting. It's incredible how he keeps his promises, and lately I have really been holding him to that. I keep telling him that he said when I seek his face he will anoint me, and so everyday I seek his voice, everyday I read his word, and pray, and praise him, and it works, he won't leave me alone, and I honestly could not ask for anything better. I make this commitment to seek his face everyday, and it works. Now when I feel "off" within an instant he is there to help me think it out, it's really indescribable. I urge you to do this, to go out and seek him, every single day, and hold him to his promises, because our God is faithful that He will not let us down. He will reveal to us all that we need to know.

I woke up today and just read the word, and read some more. I read acts. These disciples, were incredible men of God. They were so committed to the Lord, and did everything that He told them to do, and you know what the reward was? They brought people back from the dead! They turned men, who wanted to kill them (Saul), into fellow apostles. They filled everyone with the Holy Spirit, all I could do was laugh. It's phenomenal! Let's do this, let's be disciples. Let's keep seeking, haha that is my new favourite topic, this must be the third blog about it! Praise God.

After I read, I decided to learn how to play guitar, God put it on my heart. And so this has been my day. A day that the Lord has made, I am so glad.

Holding Nothing Back,

Friday, February 12, 2010

Praise God.

That is all I can say, tonight I went to my youth group. I don't usually go because they are kids that I don't know really well, plus I usually work on Fridays, maybe I just made excuses and was super busy... However, tonight I went to speak to them. I shared with them my testimony, of growing with God, and encountering his love, and feeling his presence, being filled, commitment, and major lessons that I've learned. The kids seemed really into it, and I wasn't sure if it was just because I was a new kid speaking, or if it was because God was really moving in their hearts. Well I finished up my "talk" and we made a list of things to pray for, I kept feeling that God was going to use prayer in a big way tonight, so I wasn't going to stop praying until I felt a push from God. When we were done our group prayer, my mom went over and prayed for a guy who God laid on her heart, then I saw two girls and it was just set on my heart to release God's spirit over them and just encourage them to embrace it!

So I went to pray for them, and when I did, I knew that something was happening, they began crying, then a younger girl began to cry and she ran out of the room, eventually she came back in, and it was like the whole room was on their knees asking God to reveal himself to them! It was crazy, I couldn't stop praying over people, and I felt so honoured that god answered my prayer and used me like that, in such a crazy cool way. It is my passion, it is what I love, it was insane!!! Kids came up to me and asked me to pray again and again, and in the background the Jesus Culture DVDs were playing and I just felt like this is what I was called to do, THIS! God made it so clear and evident. These kids just kept soaking in more and more, and then more and more kids joined in!

And I just felt so in tune with The Holy Spirit and followed everything he told me and said everything he told me too, and went to the kids who needed that extra help, and my heart just broke for them, they were so in love, and so ready to be poured on, and just so ready to receive all of his love ands gifts, and each kid had a different story, wether it be, fear, hurt, parents, forgiveness, sin, school, friends, purity.

I feel so refreshed and so ready to continue ministering to these kids and watching them grow and continuing to beg God to use me like that again and again and again! PRAISE GOD!
I feel like I could write forever about the things he has done tonight, I pray for those few kids who felt like they weren't sure if they wanted to experience that and I pray God will water those seeds which were planted tonight. Praise GOD! I remember telling kids how this isn't just a high, we are on a high now, but we won't fall from it, we will keep going and going higher and higher, because when we seek him every day and become rooted in the word that is what happens, and kids made commitments to do that tonight, and I want to put an emphasis on that next week, and I just feel like there is so much opportunity and stuff to do, and I want to do this all the time, and it's so fantastic. AHHHHH

I don't know what else to say, but Praise God.

Worshipping, forever, on and on and on,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Let's SEEK!

What time is it?
Time to seek the Lord.

The time is now, it is our role as revivalists of this nation to seek the Lord, to be focused on that one thing, Seek the Lord, give him Everything, then we will be anointed!

It's like smoking, or any other habit, once you start everyday, everywhere, just looking for him, seeking him, searching for his beauty and love in everything, you won't be able to stop!

Do you get it? This thought has just been overwhelming me. EVERYWHERE, God is EVERYWHERE! And when we seek him with everything we have he will meet us there, and there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which will strengthen and anoint us to do his will WHEREVER we are, be at school, wherever! THANK GOD!

Maybe you guys are getting sick of me saying this but I am so craving to be leading people in Worship and to lead people in prayer and just feel so used, but I honestly believe God is forcing me to do it school Hallways before He'll put me there, and after all the reason I want that is to give Him glory. So by seeking Him, He will give me the Strength to do all I dream, even in a school, where I think it's impossible. AH!

Okay, you know what, I think I need to buckle down on these blogs and stop raging bout my desires, and what not and use this place as somewhere to discuss the Word, it is such an important part of our walk with God, and it is also another way to seek God, He tells us to "seek His face".

So let's seek!! It's a win win situation, it's like playing hide and Go Seek with a Dad who sucks at hiding! Praise God for that! He isn't hiding, all we have to do is seek, and get our reward and supplies for everything we're are craving to do.

Anyone get this? Hahaha

Laughing in Love,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Default Setting.

Sometimes we feel that we have a certain sin that will never go away, that will stick with us forever, and it seems like it has been there forever, I am here to tell you that that is a lie from Hell. You see, Satan plays this trick where He makes us think that we are stuck to something, that we are owned by something that has no purpose other than to completely deteriorate any chance we had to be close with God, but He is wrong. That is not a default setting on us, our default setting was placed by God and he did not make us addicted to one sin or another. He sets us free, who the Son sets free is free indeed, remember?

I'm not sure if my typing is doing my thoughts and revelations justice, but get this, we make a mistake, we continue making that same mistake, we feel like no matter how hard we try we will always make that mistake (examine yourself, everyone has one of these), sometimes we as humans get so discouraged by our continuous screwing up that we say, you know what, God must of made me like this, because no matter how hard I try I can't get rid of this sin. *annoying buzzer* WRONG!

I was driving home tonight and I had an incredible talk with God and although it seemed one sided I felt the Holy Spirit confirm everything that I said which is so encouraging, and I was talking about sin and addiction, and how it is annoying and why does it consume our lives and why does God put us through it? And it was like a revelation, God doesn't let us lay in sin that has no deeper purpose or meaning, or let us hurt. Jesus will not let us suffer like that if there is no reason for our pain. He loves us, and someone who loves us would never think of doing that. Make sense? SoI started declaring Freedom in peoples lives who don't understand this and are addicted to sin that has no further purpose, they just haven't gotten the chance to experience God's deliverance and freedom, and with that Satan is powerless!

On the note of addiction, if we find ourselves addicted to something that isn't good for ourselves God can heal that. Some people feel and say that they have been prayed over and have done this and done that and nothing has worked. Fact, ever think that God is using that addiction to dry you closer to him? To make you dig deeper and try harder for your relationship? To fight stronger to get to him? I don't know, but in my heart that totally makes sense, and maybe when we do this, then we will be set free. Another thing, when we go into worship and feel like we are totally consumed with our problems and sins and that hinders us from praising God do you think we should maybe try an attitude like, "Lord, I am putting my problems, addictions, sins, worries, aside for this moment, and I just want to give You all the glory, despite anything else!" ?

This is food for thought, as all my blogs are, I feel tonight that I had a great idea but failed to get it from my head to the page. Let me know readers. I declare Freedom upon your lives and blessings onto your day tomorrow.
Smile Jesus Loves You. :) Haha

Pondering of God's goodness,