Friday, February 19, 2010

All I need is You

Well Hello there Blog Readers.

Thank God it is Friday, and an incredible Friday at that.

We had youth group tonight and some really amazing things were brought up and said, and I really felt God moving me again to say certain things and he lead me to the people I needed to talk to, and that is so encouraging!
I first started by asking the kids how their week was, after their incredible encounter with God's love last Friday. There were mixed answers, once girl said she can't stop laughing yet and that she'll stop in the middle of class and pray until her teacher tells her to stop. Haha, Praise God. Other kids said that school was discouraging and they felt "poopy" as soon as they entered the doors.

So, we continued to talk about how important it is to read the word everyday, after all that is God speaking directly to us, I feel bad at the moment because I can't recall the order The Spirit put words in my mouth or everything that I said, so I am going to try my best to recall it.

So we were talking about reading the word, and praying as much as we could during the school day. And how sometimes when we are filled with the spirit we want to do these amazing things and see people saved and people healed and everyone to come to God through us, but that's not how it works. Firstly, we should be a light and a hope for all the hurt around us. Then it lead to friends and family not really accepting what we have to say or seeing the change in us, seeing the desires of our hearts and respecting it. But then God lead me to share the verse about take great joy when troubles come, and to pray always. We shouldn't think of that as a command but it is more so saying that God is always there to talk to.

We also hit the topic of accountability which I am so glad we did! Talk about how by ourselves it is tough, then with two people it gets better, and then a three corded rope is not easily broken. So when I saw all those kids it was easy, we are like a twenty corded rope, and when we are united and we a re a family for God Satan has no power or no ability to touch us! WOO, Amen? Haha

So, we talked about how this youth group is a family and we come to share our sins with each other, because when we admit our faults and say it out loud they(the guilt and sin and addiction and sense of no control or hope) completely exit out souls and that void is filled with a light, and a peace! So I encouraged everyone to find that person to trust or that whole family.

Oh man, what an incredible night, there was so much more, talking about favour and praying that we would have the eyes of Jesus to see opportunities and putting us in the right places at the right time. I had such a good talk with a couple kids afterwards and I feel like I really have a desire to help these kids, they are so on fire, and I have so much to offer them, and now it totally makes sense why I went through so much stuff at such a young age and I already see God's plans moving and it is so encouraging. I love it, I want youth group all the time, I want to talk to these kids all the time.
I talked to one girl about how we shouldn't hate school but we should be excited about it and think of it as an opportunity and a chance to shine that light that God has given us and us that power that he has put in us to show love.

Oh, Thank You God, I pray that you'll continue to give me words for these kids and that our family will grow closer to each other and we will bond more and more. Thank you for this opportunity and the clarity you put in my life, they way you bless is me is mesmerizing. I love you Lord,


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you are there for those kids and that you're setting such an amazing example. I wish that we still talked about stuff like that.
