That is all I can say, tonight I went to my youth group. I don't usually go because they are kids that I don't know really well, plus I usually work on Fridays, maybe I just made excuses and was super busy... However, tonight I went to speak to them. I shared with them my testimony, of growing with God, and encountering his love, and feeling his presence, being filled, commitment, and major lessons that I've learned. The kids seemed really into it, and I wasn't sure if it was just because I was a new kid speaking, or if it was because God was really moving in their hearts. Well I finished up my "talk" and we made a list of things to pray for, I kept feeling that God was going to use prayer in a big way tonight, so I wasn't going to stop praying until I felt a push from God. When we were done our group prayer, my mom went over and prayed for a guy who God laid on her heart, then I saw two girls and it was just set on my heart to release God's spirit over them and just encourage them to embrace it!
So I went to pray for them, and when I did, I knew that something was happening, they began crying, then a younger girl began to cry and she ran out of the room, eventually she came back in, and it was like the whole room was on their knees asking God to reveal himself to them! It was crazy, I couldn't stop praying over people, and I felt so honoured that god answered my prayer and used me like that, in such a crazy cool way. It is my passion, it is what I love, it was insane!!! Kids came up to me and asked me to pray again and again, and in the background the Jesus Culture DVDs were playing and I just felt like this is what I was called to do, THIS! God made it so clear and evident. These kids just kept soaking in more and more, and then more and more kids joined in!
And I just felt so in tune with The Holy Spirit and followed everything he told me and said everything he told me too, and went to the kids who needed that extra help, and my heart just broke for them, they were so in love, and so ready to be poured on, and just so ready to receive all of his love ands gifts, and each kid had a different story, wether it be, fear, hurt, parents, forgiveness, sin, school, friends, purity.
I feel so refreshed and so ready to continue ministering to these kids and watching them grow and continuing to beg God to use me like that again and again and again! PRAISE GOD!
I feel like I could write forever about the things he has done tonight, I pray for those few kids who felt like they weren't sure if they wanted to experience that and I pray God will water those seeds which were planted tonight. Praise GOD! I remember telling kids how this isn't just a high, we are on a high now, but we won't fall from it, we will keep going and going higher and higher, because when we seek him every day and become rooted in the word that is what happens, and kids made commitments to do that tonight, and I want to put an emphasis on that next week, and I just feel like there is so much opportunity and stuff to do, and I want to do this all the time, and it's so fantastic. AHHHHH
I don't know what else to say, but Praise God.
Worshipping, forever, on and on and on,
I'm so glad that purpose was so clearly revealed to you tonight. It sounds like an amazing evening and I'm so glad that you could be there for those youth. Your gifts are most definitely being used to the fullest.