Sometimes we feel that we have a certain sin that will never go away, that will stick with us forever, and it seems like it has been there forever, I am here to tell you that that is a lie from Hell. You see, Satan plays this trick where He makes us think that we are stuck to something, that we are owned by something that has no purpose other than to completely deteriorate any chance we had to be close with God, but He is wrong. That is not a default setting on us, our default setting was placed by God and he did not make us addicted to one sin or another. He sets us free, who the Son sets free is free indeed, remember?
I'm not sure if my typing is doing my thoughts and revelations justice, but get this, we make a mistake, we continue making that same mistake, we feel like no matter how hard we try we will always make that mistake (examine yourself, everyone has one of these), sometimes we as humans get so discouraged by our continuous screwing up that we say, you know what, God must of made me like this, because no matter how hard I try I can't get rid of this sin. *annoying buzzer* WRONG!
I was driving home tonight and I had an incredible talk with God and although it seemed one sided I felt the Holy Spirit confirm everything that I said which is so encouraging, and I was talking about sin and addiction, and how it is annoying and why does it consume our lives and why does God put us through it? And it was like a revelation, God doesn't let us lay in sin that has no deeper purpose or meaning, or let us hurt. Jesus will not let us suffer like that if there is no reason for our pain. He loves us, and someone who loves us would never think of doing that. Make sense? SoI started declaring Freedom in peoples lives who don't understand this and are addicted to sin that has no further purpose, they just haven't gotten the chance to experience God's deliverance and freedom, and with that Satan is powerless!
On the note of addiction, if we find ourselves addicted to something that isn't good for ourselves God can heal that. Some people feel and say that they have been prayed over and have done this and done that and nothing has worked. Fact, ever think that God is using that addiction to dry you closer to him? To make you dig deeper and try harder for your relationship? To fight stronger to get to him? I don't know, but in my heart that totally makes sense, and maybe when we do this, then we will be set free. Another thing, when we go into worship and feel like we are totally consumed with our problems and sins and that hinders us from praising God do you think we should maybe try an attitude like, "Lord, I am putting my problems, addictions, sins, worries, aside for this moment, and I just want to give You all the glory, despite anything else!" ?
This is food for thought, as all my blogs are, I feel tonight that I had a great idea but failed to get it from my head to the page. Let me know readers. I declare Freedom upon your lives and blessings onto your day tomorrow.
Smile Jesus Loves You. :) Haha
Pondering of God's goodness,
Hi Colton.
ReplyDeleteI would like to go back to your last post for a sec. I believe that you're not just going on about pointless, meaningless things. They are observations and conclusions of your relationship with God and that's the point, God is growing and showing you new things in every aria of your life. another thing is, you may be facing a ton right now, but aren't you praying for God to change you, you're thoughts on life and to grow you into the Man he has called? If those are your prayers than He may be answering you. you know what I mean? I believe that your desire for WORSHIP is awesome! I also Like worshiping... a lot!! But like you said, we often make that mistake of "just because we're not in the presence does not mean we cannot continually worship Him". Worship isn't just a lifting of the hands and voice. It's a respect, an encounter with God, that we may come and kiss his face. I agree with you. He (God) is freeing you from what you feel were mistakes. He is showing you of how He Loves and CARES for you! He is growing you into a Man after Gods own heart (from how it sounds). Trust in God and never let Him go.. that verse, 2 corinthians, is a good verse. I can understand what you mean and how it feels. I'm not by any means trying to be weird on you or anything. I just know how comfort feels, someone who is in the same boat, you know? Don't take this wrong, but I think you're an awesome guy and God sees that. I would like to suggest a book for you that I'm in the process of reading. it's a great book. It goes into depth about getting deeper with our God. It's titled "Life Beneath The Surface" and it's by Mike Pilavachi.I didn't think it would be all that great and procrastinated about reading it for a long time, but it really is one of the best books i've ever read! Don't feel like you have to read it though lol. Hope you're not mad at me about the longest comment in human history, Colton.. haha =D thank you 4 the prayer of Freedom! Jesus Loves You Too!! ~Yazzie :)