Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 19 - Enjoy the Silence

Genesis 22:1-14 ---

1 After all this, God tested Abraham. God said, "Abraham!"
"Yes?" answered Abraham. "I'm listening."

2 He said, "Take your dear son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I'll point out to you." 3-5 Abraham got up early in the morning and saddled his donkey. He took two of his young servants and his son Isaac. He had split wood for the burnt offering. He set out for the place God had directed him. On the third day he looked up and saw the place in the distance. Abraham told his two young servants, "Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I are going over there to worship; then we'll come back to you."

6 Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and gave it to Isaac his son to carry. He carried the flint and the knife. The two of them went off together.

7 Isaac said to Abraham his father, "Father?"

"Yes, my son."

"We have flint and wood, but where's the sheep for the burnt offering?"

8 Abraham said, "Son, God will see to it that there's a sheep for the burnt offering." And they kept on walking together.

9-10 They arrived at the place to which God had directed him. Abraham built an altar. He laid out the wood. Then he tied up Isaac and laid him on the wood. Abraham reached out and took the knife to kill his son.

11 Just then an angel of God called to him out of Heaven, "Abraham! Abraham!"

"Yes, I'm listening."

12 "Don't lay a hand on that boy! Don't touch him! Now I know how fearlessly you fear God; you didn't hesitate to place your son, your dear son, on the altar for me."

13 Abraham looked up. He saw a ram caught by its horns in the thicket. Abraham took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son.

14 Abraham named that place God-Yireh (God-Sees-to-It). That's where we get the saying, "On the mountain of God, he sees to it."

Hey Folks!

I know that is a big story, but it is one of my favourites, by far! So let's check this out. So read this, but when you do put yourself in the position of Abraham, facing the fact that you are going to have to sacrifice your own son. Your only son, a son you love very much. Read it again, try to visualize the day. Contemplate the physical landscape, then the mental landscape of Abraham as he frantically is pondering what is about to happen. The thing is, we know how the story ends, at that point Abraham had no clue.

As Abraham, you're not sure what's worse, the sound of your sons voice asking where the animal is that is to be sacrificed, or the image of the sticks piled together waiting for the fire. What are you feeling as you're making your final preparations? What are your thoughts about God? What makes you obey, or disobey, in the face of such sacrifice. Take a minute to journal some of your thoughts.

Now read what you've written. Do any of those thoughts and feelings describe somewhat how you feel in your relationship with God? Is there something or someone precious to you that God is asking you to give up as part of your love for him? Imagine as your finished reading this you 're building the fire for such a commitment. What is God's word for you today as you met him on your mountain? Listen carefully. Stay in that place, even if it feels uncomfortable. Remember, this isn't a story about Abraham providing and offering, it's a story about God offering a provision.

SO MANY TIMES we think of obedience, we think of giving in, giving up, or just giving more. And no doubt, sometimes God will require you to sacrifice, but this story reminds us that God always gives more then is required! That is the definition of grace. His provision is always bigger than our offering.

Mmmm, I belong to you. :)


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